Monday, January 3, 2011

There is a time for everyone.

My new best friend

Can you say "cheeseburger?" YUM!

My table at the Christmas Conference. Good times!

Merry Christmas!!

Well, Christmas for us was last night. Yesterday, President Tavares passed through Arapongas and stayed for church. He brought with him our long lost packages that were in Iguaçu Falls. All four of us got one package each. I got a package from my mommy, who knows how to make a package, good grief I love American candy. Love it!

While President Tavares was there, he talked to one of Elder Schirmer’s investigators who wants to wait for her husband to get the Aaronic Priesthood so that he can baptize her. Problem is, that’s gonna take a while. And she was dead set on being baptized by him. We don’t know what president said, but after their interview, she was set on getting baptized that night by her uncle who is a member in Apucarana. Crazy. But a good kind of crazy.

Well, this Thursday I will be going to Londrina to become officially legal. Phew! I was sick of running from the cops. Now I kinda know what American aliens must feel like. While I’m in Londrina, I’m gonna do everything in my power to eat some pizza at Pizza Hut.

Also, this morning I accomplished something super interesting. I finished reading the Book of Mormon in Portuguese. But also, I read it completely out loud. 600 pages! I started in like April, but that’s why it took me so long. And here's the best part: it’s still true in another language!!! I love that book. That’s the 4th time I’ve read it through from cover to cover. I was kind of a fubeca* as a teenager.

Other random news: I got a letter from a girl I baptized in Assis. Her name is Miria, and she told me her sister got baptized!! When I was there, her sister was impossible. There is a time for everyone. That’s for sure.

Well, that’s it. Pray for me. The Pizza Hut task will be a difficult one!



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