Baptism of Suzana

The bishop of the new Coqueiral Ward, Bishop Marcos Tasso.

"O Dedão," which translates to "The Thumb."
Yo yo yo 5 to go,
This week was boa to say the least. Let’s start with Suzana’s baptism. I think she was one of the most elect people I’ve taught so far on my mission -- especially when it comes to “feeling” the Spirit at church. She said that she got goose bumps during the closing prayer at Sacrament Meeting and that the entire time it felt like she was floating. She told us last Sunday that the sooner she could get baptized, the better. Now that’s something every missionary dreams of hearing. Wish granted to her. Her boyfriend baptized her and I confirmed her.
Other news: Cascavel 1st Ward has officially divided!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW! If that is not an achieved goal in a missionary’s life, I don’t know what is. Elder de Jesus and I will probably be part of the new ward since it’s in our area, named Coqueiral Ward. (coke eh ral - roll the “r” once – it’s a type of coconut tree, but also the name of a neighborhood here). Everyone is excited, except the young women who were crying during the entire Sacrament Meeting. Oh, and one 15 year old young man, too, was sobbing. hahahaha. The Lord is doing a marvelous work and a wonder here in Cascavel. 1st Ward had an attendance of 198 and 3rd Ward had an attendance of 126! Usually it’s around 95. That will make 3 wards with an attendance of 100 each, which is a really good headcount for Brazil. In 3rd Ward, Elder de Souza and Elder Ealey baptized a lady whose daughters have been members for 14 years, but has always denied baptism for herself. It has been and continues to be fun to watch miracles happen here in Cascavel. I remember in Apucarana everyone were rivals it seemed like, (the members) completely un-united, and the Lord did not bless them. But here in Cascavel, everyone has one thought and one mind: growth. And the Lord is on our side. President Tavares made a goal for the mission that every companionship can baptize this month of July, due to having 5 weekends. This is a goal that has never been achieved in our mission. Not to brag, but Cascavel Zone was the first zone to have all its companionships baptize. Boo ya! I’m so grateful to be a part of this work! It is epic. We’re growing, and growing faster than ever.
Tcau, later,
Elder Titus
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