Sample of local wildlife

Another sweet storm rolls in
This week was pretty exciting! Indeed Elder da Silva was “emergency transferred.” So, as of this past Thursday I’ve been in a trio with Elder Galdino and Elder Carter. I have yet to receive a new companion. When one of the people in our branch heard that da Silva had been transferred, he yelled with pumped fists “Halleluiah!!!”
I actually got to take a day off this week. On Tuesday I got a rad fever of 104 and got to stay home. By the time we got to the hospital and got through the line, my temp had settled back down to not-a-super-emergency-temperature. And by night time, I was back to normal.
Wednesday we had our mission Christmas Conference at the Londrina Stake Center, which is the only conference during the year where the entire mission is re-united. It was quite the feat since north to south spans over 10 hours of driving with 133 missionaries dispersed all over the mission. It was really great to see all my buddies from the MTC. In the morning we all went to the "Hospital of Cancer" in Londrina and taught little messages and handed out treats. It was pretty neat. Then we just chilled in the church the rest of the time and ate, sang, watched a play, and heard speeches from President Leal. Elders Gibbons and Vogeler from the MTC both got the swine flu. Elder Vogeler also got pneumonia at the same time and also got hit by a car (not at the same time). He’s having a good mission so far! However, despite the trials, he’s in good spirits.
Christmas was pretty uneventful, kinda because about the only one that writes to me is my mother!!! (hint, hint! Thank you to those few who have written. Your letters are a total treat!) But, the best part is that we all get to talk on the phone with our families, it was sweet! I truly enjoyed hearing family voices once again. The hour we are allowed went by way too fast. It was very hard to say goodbye. Other than that we just kinda chilled around.
On Saturday, one of Elder Galdino and Carter’s investigators, Camila, finally got baptized after getting permission from her mom. I was also able to teach her a lot.

Camila's baptism
And, yet another sweet storm passed through town.
This just in: Breaking news is now hitting America . . . Postage for Brazil really doesn’t cost that much! (98 cents for a regular letter) . . . hint, hint!
Since it is Christmas time, I feel compelled to say a few things as I close out this week's blog: I'm very grateful for this time of the year when people care more about giving than receiving. We can really see the impact that Jesus Christ had on the world, and I'm grateful for the life that He lived and for the example that He set. I know that He loves us and is our Savior. He lives today and guides us in our actions.
I hope everyone’s Christmas was enjoyable!
Até maís. (uh teh - mice): until more, or loosely translated: see you later.
Elder Titus
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