Entertainment on a recent bus ride.

A local park in Cascavel.

Our Zone: (back row) me, Elder Mortensen, Elder Tew, Elder L. Shaw (front row) Elder Ealey, Elder K. Santos, Elder Cavalcanti, Elder de Oliveira, and Elder Azevedo (Elder Griner wasn't there that day).
Wow I’m tired!!!! Tired of sitting around! So, (name withheld) is notorious for being ill, and he is having a bunch of problems lately; fever, body pain, swollen throat . . . the doctor told him that he needed to stay at home for 4 days (that was on Saturday). I´ve never had to stay home before, it sucks. Needless to say I’m catchin’ up on some reading. Nonetheless, the future looks bright as he seems to be anxious to work tomorrow.
President Tavares came to Cascavel on Saturday and did interviews. It was cool to be on the “inside.” The zone is immaculate and enthusiastic, and many baptisms await us.
I forgot to mention that my adopted brother´s mission finally ended. Remember Elder Galdino? I’ve mentioned him before in previous blogs. I got an email from him today and he sounds like he´s doing great. Elder Villela was also in the group of elders that was recently released (he was my companion from a year ago, in Bauru), and Elder Carvalho, my old zone leader for 9 months. All became great friends. The mission will miss them, but life goes on. Soon it will be my turn to leave.
In other news, my son, Elder de Jesus is training! I’m a grandpa!! He´s also a district leader now.
The number of missionaries in our mission is 178. Just 4 months ago it was 135. Brazil is responding to a Prophet’s call.
The division of our ward here in Cascavel was approved by the First Presidency!!! It will divide in July or August!!!!
Well, gotta go. Falou!
Elder Titus
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