The outside of our apartment in Cascavel

Awesome sunset!
We had a quality week this week! Principally, because of the news that we get one more companionship of missionaries! They will be arriving in Cascavel next week. That will make 3 companionships in our ward. This is mainly because of the preparations being made for the ward being divided. President Tavares has been very impressed with the work that has been going on here in Cascavel. Elder Cavalcanti and I, had a meeting with the stake president last week and he is also very excited to work hard, and work together with us. When we told the bishop that one more companionship was coming, he hugged us really tightly. We will be the only ward in the mission to have 3 companionships.
We are currently teaching Beatriz´s daughter, Laurissa, and we are doing our best to get her ready to be baptized this Sunday. There is also a lawyer couple that is interested in our message. There is a member of the church who works for them as a maid, cleaning their house, and she asked for our assistance because the lady lawyer has cancer. Elder Cavalcanti went there and gave her a blessing, and two weeks later her doctor told her the cancer is gone. We’re going there tonight to see how she is feeling, and to find out if they would like to hear our lessons.
Things are going great! I apologize for the short blogs lately, but I’m using a lot of my p-day internet time to work on my college registration -- so please forgive me!!!! Hopefully I'll have it figured out soon. (And yes, I have permission!)
Have a great week!
Elder Titus
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