Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I'm the Senior Companion Now!

Welcome to Bauru

YES! We have a McDonalds! (Way off in the distance)

Opa (wow), today is transfer day, and yep things changed a bit. My current companion, Elder Villela is out. He’s been transferred back to the homeland of Londrina to be the secretary (in charge of finances). It’s different, the missionaries that work in the office are there until 5 pm, and only get 4 hours to do proselyting. At the moment, I’m still with Elder Villela, but at 7 PM tonight I will meet my new companion. His name is Elder Campêlo, and we will rule the world this transfer. Why? Because I’m now the SENIOR companion!!!! Uh oh, time to unleash the beast (also known as Elder Titus)! It’s gonna be a bad idea, because now I get to give the commandments, use the cell phone AND keep the house keys. Elder Campêlo has like 4 or 5 months in the field, and I don’t have a clue about him, but I’m stoked, because he’s my first companion that has an accent mark over his name! I still don’t really know what that means...but the pronunciation is pretty straight forward (Cahmp-peh-loo).

Oh man, things are getting intense with Angelica and Bruno. They don’t feel prepared to get baptized, which is not true. They´re just scared, but everything is going to be alright. We just need to pray a lot. They will get baptized this Saturday.

Things are getting a little tougher. I’m cutting a lot of our “mole” (mol-ee) investigators, and we are also switching our area of focus. At the moment, we are working two locations that are at the opposite ends of our area. It’s annoying to walk that much, but what that means is that at the moment we don’t have a ton of investigators, and less “elect” investigators. We’ve got some who have good potential, but they just need to go to church. Ariane and her two sons, are great, but they haven’t gone to church yet. Her parents were baptized by Elder Hair last month, in his area. Ariane’s husband travels a lot, but he’s returning soon, so we’re going to try to get him involved.

This last weekend was General Conference, too. Way good! I got to watch it in English with Elder Hair and Elder Madrid. There was a pretty common theme, families/parenting. Somewhat of a disappointment for me was that the number of missionaries went down. Crestwood Ward, prepare to receive a letter about this. I liked the talk about how the cows went back for their calves after the calves had wandered off the path (to nap in the shade). It was cool that only the cows could get them to come back to the corral, so true. Mothers have amazing capabilities.

A Catholic Cemetery

We have a Catholic cemetery in our area. They´re nuts! They build little chapels over their bodies. It’s weird, but kind of cool too.

I was on splits with Elder Hair (where you swap companions for a short time) in my area. And yes, there was a McDonalds. It cost 16 reais for a Big Mac meal, which is about $10 American.

Alright people, peace for now!
Elder Titus


  1. In charge of the keys! Awesome! He sounds like he is doing so great...very happy about that.

  2. Derek: When you see this message, please force yourself to contact me as soon as possible (ASAP).
    A certain blond in the Assis branch is hoping I can reach you...

