Ahhh, soccer!

A partial view of the city of Cascavel, with our apartments off to the right hand side

Elder K. Santos and I found a fresh water spring!
Unfortunately, not much has been going on lately. Elder Cavalcanti is still sick, but we're doing okay. President Tavares said that due to his sickness he can’t be zone leader anymore because our numbers are really low, so it’s certain that I will get a new companion here in 2 weeks. I told president that for this last transfer, I want a companion who will push me until my last ounce of energy is gone. It’s so weird to say that. I never imagined this day would actually come where I would be confronting the dreaded "last transfer," but alas, all must go through this process. Getting ready to go home definitely has some mixed feelings. I’m excited to go home and all, because I haven’t seen my family or friends, or ridden my bike, or eaten American food in a long, long, long, long time. But at the same time, it’s sad and can even bring me to tears thinking that I will never be able to represent the Lord as a full time missionary again -- that I will never be able to wear my name tag. But it’s part of the deal. Anyway, I don’t really know why I’m writing this, I still have a lot of time left on my mission. OK, well, maybe not a LOT.
Nothing is really new here, except just one thing. I found out that Jefferson, the first person I baptized, got his mission call! He’s going to MANAUS!!! That is up in the Amazon and maybe he’ll be baptizing some Lamanites. It’s interesting because his cousin, Edson, who always used to help us out when we were serving in Ibipora, is also serving in the Manaus mission. Jefferson leaves July 5th, so unfortunately, I won’t be able to see him before he leaves. I’m so excited for him! That news has brought some of the best feelings that I think a missionary can feel on his mission. It’s such an awesome experience to bring a person to the waters of baptism – but to know that same person is now going to go out into the world to teach and to baptize -- it is an incredible feeling.
Well, I’m going to the church to play some ping pong with Elder Griner.
Elder Titus
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