Baptism of Raulino and Elaine

Missionary Farewell, Titus Style
Hey, My Favorite Blog Stalkers,
Welp, my last week in the field has arrived. Currently I’m here in an internet place with some bros from my MTC district, Elder Ingram, Elder Parrott and Elder Yuma. We’re just chillin in Londrina, waiting to be interviewed by President. Tomorrow is another day to do whatever and it sounds like me and Elder Barbosa are going to go to Ibipora (my very first area) to see some families since we have the whole day to do nothing.
My feelings right now are rather tranquil. I’m sad and excited at the same time, resulting in quietness. Everyone is kinda quite. There are 15 of us leaving. It was easy and hard to leave Cascavel -- by far was my best area. The members there are what make it happen. I took a lot of pictures, but this computer is so slow -- just to get the baptismal picture of Raulino and Elaine took forever, so for now, that’s all you get. The secretaries called me on Saturday morning telling me that I was going to travel to Londrina on Sunday after church, meaning I would miss lunch and the baptism. But, then they changed it to midnight. So I got to eat a nice lunch and participate in the baptismal service. I said goodbye to Elder de Jesus, my beloved, and Elder Azevedo and Elder Stinocher, and got on the bus to meet Elder Parrott and Elder Pinheiro who were coming up from Foz to Londrina. Usually it sucks to travel during the night, because it’s hard to sleep on buses, because of the bumpy roads, and it doesn’t help when they put us at the back of the bus by the bathroom again, but it was actually okay. We even got a non-stop ride too, cutting the time from 9 hours to 6 hours. That was a blessing. I even slept a little.
It still hasn’t really hit me yet that I’m going home. I know I’m going to, but it doesn’t seem real yet. Kinda like a dream, but I think that when I get on the plane it will begin to sink in.
My mission has been a great adventure, full of experiences with all sorts of emotions. Getting on the plane Wednesday morning I will leave a part of my heart behind. I love Brasil, the countryside and the people, and I would love to stay, but sooner or later we all gotta leave.
Next week I’ll share my testimony because right now, we need to leave. So until then, be comforted by this scripture in 2 Corinthians 7:6 "Nevertheless God, that comforteth those that are cast down, comforted us by the coming of Titus."
Elder “for the last time” Titus